Those Little Trivial Habits
So I was listening to this book called Atomic Habits on Audible the other day which made me think about few things. Habits can make you or break you. It shapes us to a person we never thought we would be. As James clear says in his book, ‘You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems’.
After reading his book, I started introspecting and started listing my mundane trivial habits and started wondering if it’s good or bad. I don’t know how I caught these habits but it is just there leaving micro traces all along. I could not help but wonder how these things shape me as a human being.
I made a list of good, bad and neutral habits like the author asks us to do. I can’t help noticing there are some trivial habits that I have which gives me immense pleasure. These habits are very hard to identify but they leave you with utmost happiness. So here are few of my trivial habits that give me little dose of happiness that I might think is good for me (please feel free to point out the bad ones).
Writing lyrics of my favourite song
I started this habit long back when I wanted to fill in my time alone. I used to stay in the hostel and was missing my family. This helps me when I’m sad or depressed.
To-do list on the paper like old school style
I always had the habit of writing down the things I have to do during the day. It was pretty normal when I was a child since it was pre digital era. But I still need it on a nice paper even when we have thousands of tools and devices to do that. I feel the habit of writing is good but the need for the fancy paper is kind of an extravagance. But again I’m a little old school.
I have been using the theme of famous Illustrator Alicia Souza. I get the printout from the shop and paste it on my wall.
Making a vision board
Making my vision board has been my favourite thing so far. It gives me a proper perspective of what to do in the year ahead and it is absolutely fun to do. I paste my favourite quotes and the things that reminds me of my goals.
Making my bed everyday morning
I don’t know how it affects you but it is the positive start in the morning for me. Having a wrinkle free and dust free bed is one of the highlights of my day and it absolutely lightens my day.
Eating fruits in morning
Eating fruits in morning before the breakfast has been considered very healthy in Ayurveda. It’s common practice in my home to eat lot of fruits before a proper Indian breakfast. It has worked marvelous for me since I’m a overeater in morning.
Meditation or prayer
This is not one of the trivial habits. But I want to include it because it affects my inner well being a lot.
I was brought up in a religious home. My mom and dad prayed everyday and they made us do it too. Once I moved out of the house, I lost that habit and my life felt a little haphazard to be honest. Due to pandemic, I have returned home and I’m compelled to pray and meditate with my parents, I have got my peace of mind again. Meditation and prayers can do wonders to your well being and it’s always awesome to do it.